In trying to decide if i wanted to use a stock SD pump or the walbro pump in my e-fuel system i emailed walbro and asked them about the GSL-392's compatibility with diesel, this is the response i got back from them today.......
"Thank you for your inquiry regarding the Walbro in line fuel pump.
To address your question regarding the fuel compatibility of the Walbro GSL392 with diesel fuel, I have to say this is in fact not recommend. I know you will find thousands of posted on the Internet were people are using this pump all the time claiming they have no issues at all. Based on that Walbro has tested this pump in diesel fuel many times and it comes down to the fact that the diesel fuel with effect the internal components of the pump and over a period of time render it useless. Another issue you find with diesel fuel is the fact that it has a high water content and that moisture can lead to rust on the internal components of the pumping mechanism.
That being said, being that Walbro as the manufacturer and V.E. Petersen as the master warehouse can not recommend the use of this pump for use in diesel fuel.
If you have any additional questions or concerns pease feel free to let me know and I would be glad to address them for you.
Best regards,
Jeff Lincoln - V.E. Petersen Co., Inc."
Earlier today i had already ordered a stock SD pump from Strictly Diesel.