New member
Here is why it's called bricked. If the logic get stuck it corrupts the firmware in the drive generally. It almost turns into circular logic. The firmware now has no idea what to do with a stuck or corrupted tune and now will not communicate with anything. It's almost like a black hole. There are a SELECT few people that know how to unbrick and ecm. They generally wear a bow tie with a loose collared white button up shirt and have a bowl cut for a hair doo... lol... at that point it's literally cheaper to get a new ECM. THERE'S literally nothing a tuner can do at the point of a bricked ecm.
Let's hope this is not your case and something is communicating with the ecm.
Thanks for the insight. Do you know if I can just buy and new OEM Ford ECM and then life is good again? Is it that simple? Obviously they'd be buying it but the more this potentially gets worse, the longer I go without my truck.