New boots=more smoke


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May 22, 2011
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Also inspect the pipes and manifold where the boots connect. They can crush and deform if tightened too much and will not seal properly.


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Sep 3, 2011
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Also inspect the pipes and manifold where the boots connect. They can crush and deform if tightened too much and will not seal properly.

That would suck...

Alright...So I will swing by lowes tomorrow and get a 3 inch cap...a male connector and a new guage for the compressor (it is broken...) I think I have a tap kit that should work...will have to check...

Tree Trimmer

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May 22, 2011
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just buy a 1/4 pipe tap while your there. the packaging of the tap will tell you the size bit you need also.


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Sep 3, 2011
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Alright, tester built, test done...results:

The clamp that holds the turbo and the intake spider together was where the "leak" was...and by leak, I mean a flood of air.

I took the clamp completely off and noticed the spider was sitting about 2 or so milimeters higher than the turbo. So I loosened up the attached boots, hit it with a rubber mallet until it was as close to even as I could get it, tightened it all up, tried the tester and it just kept blowing the pvc cap/tester out so I am assuming its all good.

Its hot in the sun, so I buttoned it all back together and I am now sitting looking for a beer inside.

I hope this solves the problem! (last gas fill up showed a 1.5 mpg drop)

Tree Trimmer

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May 22, 2011
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there is supposed to be a o-ring in that joint there.......

and if it keeps blowing out the tester, turn the line pressure down more. you only need about 15 psi.

also, if you rough up the sides of the pvc with some sand paper, it will give the intake boot something to grab onto thats not a nice smooth surface.


May 18, 2011
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Arlington, Texas

Although it sounds like you found your issue.

For everybody else, a word of caution, when using a leak detector, be careful. 15 lbs is plenty to find a leak. Back when I first started in this game, a moderator on the forum of the time (KLHanson and TDS), pressurized to higher pressure. While sticking his head in the engine compartment close to the boots trying to locate the leak, a boot blew off. When a boot blows off, it is loud, real loud. He broke an eardrum and spent a few days and a lot of bucks with his local doctor. I don't know if he ever fully recovered. Remember, you can hear with one ear, just like you can see with one eye, it's just not as much fun.


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Sep 3, 2011
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there is supposed to be a o-ring in that joint there....... O-ring? I dont remember seeing one when I unhooked the spider from the turbo...

Anyone have a photo...

I drove the truck a bit tonight and it still feels like it is down on power...its either this o-ring (crap) or my imagination...It is smoking less when romping on it...

When I retested it after rehooking the clamp up, it just kept shooting the leak detector out, so I assumed (my bad) that the leak was maybe not....I am out to work early tomorrow and work really really late tomorrow night...


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May 21, 2011
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9 miles high @ 550 mph

Although it sounds like you found your issue.

For everybody else, a word of caution, when using a leak detector, be careful. 15 lbs is plenty to find a leak. Back when I first started in this game, a moderator on the forum of the time (KLHanson and TDS), pressurized to higher pressure. While sticking his head in the engine compartment close to the boots trying to locate the leak, a boot blew off. When a boot blows off, it is loud, real loud. He broke an eardrum and spent a few days and a lot of bucks with his local doctor. I don't know if he ever fully recovered. Remember, you can hear with one ear, just like you can see with one eye, it's just not as much fun.

Very good advice here. I'm a fella that pressure tests to "higher pressures" and have found leaks at "higher pressures" that didn't show up at lower ones. During this one fine day....I was just smart enough to wear muffs and safety glasses, but just dumb enough to forget my football helmet and body armor. During one of my first "high pressure" leak testing sessions, my leak tester became a fast moving airborne projectile, but I was lucky enough to be on the correct side of the engine compartment when it came loose. That only cost me 1% of personal pride, new shorts, and about $30 to build another leak tester.

Tree Trimmer

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May 22, 2011
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Very good advice here. I'm a fella that pressure tests to "higher pressures" and have found leaks at "higher pressures" that didn't show up at lower ones. During this one fine day....I was just smart enough to wear muffs and safety glasses, but just dumb enough to forget my football helmet and body armor. During one of my first "high pressure" leak testing sessions, my leak tester became a fast moving airborne projectile, but I was lucky enough to be on the correct side of the engine compartment when it came loose. That only cost me 1% of personal pride, new shorts, and about $30 to build another leak tester.

that right there is funny chit. LOL


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Sep 3, 2011
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I have a 1910 era air compressor, two stage with a 100 gallon riveted tank...yep riveted...Driven by a leather belt...

Anyways, so there I was firing it up to about 80 psi to run a sanding wheel...when I noticed the 3/8 inch female coupling to the air hose was leaking air...
Well this part was made in 2010, so there I go with a wrench to tighten it just a hair to get rid of the leak...

POP/BANG/POW...what ever you want to call it, followed by a seriously loud scream....oh and a serious pain to my thigh...

My leg hurt, but I wanted to get the garage door open so I could hear myself think...SO I open the door...

Its now time to look down and see how much blood I am loosing and how bad the injury is...After all, that chunk of metal felt like it went right through me...

I was wearing shorts...the piece hit me in the leg, bounced off...Left a big bruise...hurt like hell...I was very lucky...

Anyone have a part number on the o-ring and clamp? If I am taking it off again I am replacing it.


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Sep 3, 2011
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To be honost, I am not very excited to climb in to the truck and pull the intake spider off...again...oh well...


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Sep 3, 2011
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Well, did a boost leak leaks at all...Didnt take the intake spider off. I figured if it aint leaking, dont mess with it...

Dont know why I feel as if it is down on power...Oh well. I have a spare o-ring now for the future...

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