New from WV

WV Stud

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Jul 3, 2013
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West By God
Here is what I am working with.





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May 21, 2011
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Hey that helps a lot.

I actually pulled my Insight CTS from my Cummins to day and installed it in the PS.I was kinda wondering on what I should monitor on it and what the safe ranges was.

ECT is Engine Coolant Temp corrctt ?
What is that EOT ? Engine Operating Temp ?

Could you think of 3 other important things I should watch and give me safe zones for each one ? I may just post up a list of what all I can monitor and see what you think.

The intercooler pipe on the driver side has a pin hole in it,of course I ended up with a plastic one.But I got to get a new one of them then I am going to do the coolant filter first.And here I thought I was done wrenching haha.

Like to stop up and see ya sometime,shoot the bull with ya.I am working in Philippe,it's a long ride everyday which don't leave me much time.

Good looking truck. EOT is engine oil temp. The temps on the ect and eot will be around 190-220. You will want to watch the delta between the 2 and hope not to see it more then about 15*.

I would monitor the FICM which needs to stay very close to 48v. If yours has never been rebuilt very good chance it will need it. I also like to watch the hpop psi and dsd to see what the pcm is calling for and what the truck is actually putting out. The icp voltage and ipr DC% are also other ones that aren't bad to check.

Stop by the shop anytime you are up in my neck of the woods. We've always got a bunch of chit tore to pieces LOL.

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