WV Stud
New member
Here is what I am working with.
Hey that helps a lot.
I actually pulled my Insight CTS from my Cummins to day and installed it in the PS.I was kinda wondering on what I should monitor on it and what the safe ranges was.
ECT is Engine Coolant Temp corrctt ?
What is that EOT ? Engine Operating Temp ?
Could you think of 3 other important things I should watch and give me safe zones for each one ? I may just post up a list of what all I can monitor and see what you think.
The intercooler pipe on the driver side has a pin hole in it,of course I ended up with a plastic one.But I got to get a new one of them then I am going to do the coolant filter first.And here I thought I was done wrenching haha.
Like to stop up and see ya sometime,shoot the bull with ya.I am working in Philippe,it's a long ride everyday which don't leave me much time.