New guy from Kansas


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Nov 12, 2011
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cause facebook is faster and get with the times..... :lame2:

Its a fad my friends. How many people do you know that have myspaces or xangas or whatever anymore?

If I truely want to talk to someone, I pick up the phone or send a text. I don't care about all the little things everyone does throughout their days, and don't care to tell anyone else. I don't care how many friends everyone has that they never see in person. I don't want to have to deal with not being friends with people I don't want to know what I'm doing every second. Facebook is your enemy when it comes to getting a job.

I also hate how facebook operates. Say so long to any and all your privacy. Everything you post on facebooks from what you had for breakfast, to those drunken pictures of you in a speedo (Jarrod) becomes property of facebook.

So no. I will never have a facebook. Any logical person never would. Its a popularity contest and only cool to have one cause everyone else does. Screw those personal rights you sign away when you click "I accept" when signing up, I want to be friends with 500 people I haven't seen in 5 years!

That and I don't need any more reason to be at a computer. I also hate looking at assholes on their iphones updating their facebook statuses cause they saw a bird **** on a small child or how awesome it is they had pizza 3 days in a row.

I was glad when I got kicked off of the other site in a way cause I was spending way to much time looking at a screen. I can add all my time at a computer up to less than an hour a day now, thats nice.
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May 19, 2011
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Benton, Ks.
We'll keep you updated.

Facebook is just easier to make a place for all the different makes and models of trucks. Its nice mainly for me because I'm always the one going to cumminsforum, duramaxforum, powerstrokenation,, dieselbombers, dieselpowermag, and competitiondiesel, posting the same damn thing so everyone knows about it. Its easier.

Yes you're right. That's why I never had one until recently. People get too carried away. However, I don't put personal stuff on it or tell everyone that I just wiped my ass with my left hand today.

Jarrod B

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Jun 14, 2011
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Corpus Christi Texas
i do not post on fb what i had for breakfast or every minute of something retarded. i dont care what others know what im doing. thats for txt.

ya i know about the job deal so im carefull what gets posted or im tagged in.

Ford diesel girl

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Jun 14, 2011
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Jared, I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I love it because I can keep up with everyone from home very easily. I call/text those I am close to etc. I hate it because I don't want people who aren't actually a friend, to know what I am up to. We've had this talk before :p


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Nov 29, 2011
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I would have to say FaceBook is a great thing. I have been to Iraq twice and it makes it so easy to stay in touch with friends and family. It keeps you updated on what people have been up to. You can set your privacy so only friends see it


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Nov 12, 2011
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Yes you're right. That's why I never had one until recently. People get too carried away. However, I don't put personal stuff on it or tell everyone that I just wiped my ass with my left hand today.

Just logging on gives them more than enough information to make money off of you. They sell adds based off the google searches you've done and sites you've visited. Its a huge scheme.

I guess it could be said that any site could do that now thanks to google adds, but who knows.

i do not post on fb what i had for breakfast or every minute of something retarded. i dont care what others know what im doing. thats for txt.

ya i know about the job deal so im carefull what gets posted or im tagged in.

I appreciate that you don't Jarrod, unfortunately there are millions of other people out there to bug the **** outta me with that kind of stuff.

Jared, I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I love it because I can keep up with everyone from home very easily. I call/text those I am close to etc. I hate it because I don't want people who aren't actually a friend, to know what I am up to. We've had this talk before :p

Yup we've talked about it, and we know eachothers feelings. If you want to talk to me, you know how to get ahold of me as does anyone that I might want to talk to.

I would have to say FaceBook is a great thing. I have been to Iraq twice and it makes it so easy to stay in touch with friends and family. It keeps you updated on what people have been up to. You can set your privacy so only friends see it

Its good for some, I know thats how a lot of people stay in touch with eachother over seas and when they are away. I'd choose to find some other way, but to each his/her own.


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May 20, 2011
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Towanda, KS
Facebook causes aids. It's been proven by 8 out of 10 independent studies.

Thats 1 of the several reasons I will never get one. I don't want aids because I hear that chit is hard to get rid of!


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Nov 29, 2011
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You didnt hear that you can get rid of aids now. There is this new shot that takes care of it as soon as it enters the body. Its called the S&W 40 shot. I actually have 50 shots of it at the house so if you have aids your more then welcome to come take care of it out back.


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Nov 29, 2011
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I just did that and my arrest came up and so did my facebook oh ya and when i got promoted to sgt WTF

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