The 08 I had when I rebuilt the motor I did the same thing as the op and reused the hpfp and I used a set of unknown condition injectors. Motor ran perfect for the first week and then one day I drove it to work and all was fine, cut it off waiting on boss to open gate, maybe 10 min later I started it back up and it sounded odd. Went to take off to park in the lot and about ran him over as it lunged forward. Parked the truck and checked codes on dash daq... Nothing. Came out at lunch time and went to drive to store and truck had no power, rattled, and then when I came to a stop and put truck in park it free reved to about 2k rpms and back down. I even checked for codes with solus scanner and still nothing. So I'm sitting there trying to figure out how I was getting home and for some reason I hit clear codes on dash daq and I swear the truck idled down and ran perfect. I could drive it wherever I wanted to go at full power, everything perfect until I cycled the key. Then it started over again. Next morning started truck in driveway and it smoked white some on start up. I figured no big deal at least if it's an injector I'll find it easy enough with scanner. Nothing. All contributions perfect. Then I noticed the rail pressure would flat line at 5k psi on dash daq while it was acting up. Clear codes and rail would fluctuate like normal a few hundred psi a idle. An injector will not flat line rail pressure like that. Last ditch effort I dumped a couple bottles of fuel conditioner in tank and ran it for a few days. About the fourth day after this whole scenario started I cranked truck one morning, clear the invisible codes and it never came back after that. I chock it up to a sticking valve of some sort in the hpfp. To the op, give it a shot. Won't hurt anything to try. Without a scan tool that's about all you're gonna be able to do anyways.