Heck yea! Green for sure. Is it going to integrate the switch and display into a cohesive unit? Be nice to have em together in a decorative plate. The right where the 4x4, esof switch is.
^^^What he said! That's exactly what I need.
Heck yea! Green for sure. Is it going to integrate the switch and display into a cohesive unit? Be nice to have em together in a decorative plate. The right where the 4x4, esof switch is.
Heck yea! Green for sure. Is it going to integrate the switch and display into a cohesive unit? Be nice to have em together in a decorative plate. The right where the 4x4, esof switch is.
Can I get one that has a "Pmr is about to come out of the block" setting?
I believe they make that already:
He should get a beer for that one^^^
Slow development soon hopefully.