Breaking Habits
New member
It needs a head gasket, not sure what's going on. After PRI well get back to it
Ya'll really make it hard for me to keep money lol
You got that right. I'm waiting on details on how it dynos, I'm hoping this will be the extra power I'm lacking.
Chop Chop...we need details. LOL
You got that right. I'm waiting on details on how it dynos, I'm hoping this will be the extra power I'm lacking.
Chop Chop...we need details. LOL
As well as my 71mm Batmo works I can't imagine what this will do.
Kinda what I'm thinking. I'm running elite s 71 and hoping this will do what I want or it may be time to start gathering parts for something a little different.
Right now I'm perfectly content with the power my truck makes and the times it runs
Said no man ever.
Ya'll really make it hard for me to keep money lol
I know a guy that would except a 71mm as a Christmas/10 years of bday gifts.
Hopefully the testing is going good. Would be nice to have this b4 this pulling season for work stock.