No start after motor swap


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Dec 2, 2012
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I will say it again. It needs 3 things to fire. Fuel, air and compression. If you have all three the engine will run with NO electronics or NO oil or IPR or HPOP or PCM. He stated he sprayed ether into the engine. Either he is getting no air, IE blocked plenums or no compression or not enough ether. If you have all three, a diesel will run.

We have not heard a video of what it actually sounds like/ is doing. We are solely going off of what the o.p. posted. Yes, you can make a diesel "run" feeding ether to it. BUT, this is a H.E.U.I. injection system, and it is very likely there is a bunch of air trapped somewhere.

Hell on my little Jetta not too long ago, I had the injection pump lines off for a bit, and the pump lost it's prime. Once I was done with all my work, went to bleed the lines, and start it. It was being a real bear (the starter is getting weak too). So I gave it a few small shots of ether. Did it "run"? Only as long as ether was sprayed. Because the injection pump was full of air, not fuel. Had I known how much the pump bled down, I would have properly bled it first, but my point is ether is not always going to make an engine come to life. It might make it run as long as you feed it, but if there is a fuel or oil issue, it's not going to run on it's own devices until they are in proper order.


Jan 22, 2014
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Athens, Illinois
We have not heard a video of what it actually sounds like/ is doing. We are solely going off of what the o.p. posted. Yes, you can make a diesel "run" feeding ether to it. BUT, this is a H.E.U.I. injection system, and it is very likely there is a bunch of air trapped somewhere.

Hell on my little Jetta not too long ago, I had the injection pump lines off for a bit, and the pump lost it's prime. Once I was done with all my work, went to bleed the lines, and start it. It was being a real bear (the starter is getting weak too). So I gave it a few small shots of ether. Did it "run"? Only as long as ether was sprayed. Because the injection pump was full of air, not fuel. Had I known how much the pump bled down, I would have properly bled it first, but my point is ether is not always going to make an engine come to life. It might make it run as long as you feed it, but if there is a fuel or oil issue, it's not going to run on it's own devices until they are in proper order.

I completely agree with what you are saying. Everything you are saying is 100% spot on advice. All I am trying to do is eliminate the simple things. The OP said it would not fire on ether. I am building from that data. That data honestly eliminates a lot of things. If it is cranking, has air, fuel and compression it should start and immediately die when the ether burns away. This gives the OP a simple place to start troubleshooting. Just remember to disconnect the glow plug circuit when playing with the ether.


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Jun 19, 2019
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Well fellas I got it fired up. After dicking around with the icp and ipr connections and alot of cranking and swearing. Its running rough at a half hour in but no check engine light and it seems to be firing on all holes. I'm gonna let it idle for an hour and drop the oil and hopefully it'll clean up a little.

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Jun 19, 2019
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Thanks again for all your guys input. Without all the good info on here I would have never of had the balls to undertake this by myself.

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Jun 19, 2019
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Funny story, I'm pretty sure this motor is a "california" model witch means
1) I have a couple extra glow plug relay wires no big deal simple fix
2) I have AB split shot injectors
No wonder it's running like crap.

Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk

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