Bringing back an old post here. Getting the p0100 and p0106 codes. Ive read all of the threads about this post because about a year ago i had the same issue. Read about it and saw that it was the nox sensors getting water. I went under my truck unplugged the one in the front of the truck and greased it up and bagged it and replced my fuse and was all good. I didnot unplug the back sensor at the time because i didnt for whatever reason. But my problem was fixed for 2 years. Now last week im getting the same codes so i knew right were to go. I checked my bag and plug to make sure no water got in and there was some water in the bag so i redid my seal job and looked for a blown fuse. No blown fuse. Reset codes and still got them back. Did more reading and discovered there are 2 sensors so i ended up unplugging the back one and sealing it up good too. Now both sensors are unpluged and fuse is still not blown. I cleared codes and 10 mins into driving they are all back on. Im at a loss. No sensors plugged in and both connectors were cleaned and dried and greased and sealed. Fuse was checked 2 tomes and its not blown. HELP from others who have solved this issue? Am i missing somthing?