OBS e fuel options


Active member
Jun 22, 2011
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Moore Oklahoma

The kit was designed to go FORWARD of the stock tank, and yes, it will fit between FRAME cross members. The only fitment issues we've seen are trucks with badly sagging body mounts, which will make the top of the bracket contact the bottom of the body/bed. If your bracket is hitting the bottom of the truck and is between the frame cross members, your options are to replace the mounts or to lightly dent the floor. I've made that bracket as low profile as I can.

I assume you mean the oil pressure switch, use Figure 10 in this document to help you locate where it goes. This picture is showing the back of the engine, on the drivers side. The switch goes in behind the oil filter header, right below the up-pipe flange.

I'm still working on the detailed instructions...not enough hours in a day!

FWIW, please feel free to call me if you have any questions. You are likely to get answers much faster that way (unless it's a weekend). We are here M-F, 7a-6p MST...and I'm almost always here during those hours.

ok, the plate doesn't hit its just the 5/8 elbow seems to touch.
I'm in no hurry, I'm just trying to get as much done down below before I tear the turbo etc off, so it will go alittle faster.
and I'm assuming the rubber feet go in between the pump and mounting plate, then the bolts that secure the pump brackets go into the rubber feet?
thanks for the help, just clearing up a few things.

Strictly Diesel

Active member
Jun 22, 2011
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It would be a lot easier if you took this to email so I could send you pictures, etc. Shoot me a message at [email protected] and I will send you some other pics to help.

If you can, shoot me a picture of how the elbow is hitting something, that one really confuses me.

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