Here are some numbers with the turbos, unloaded driving with the X-Street.
Max BP I saw was just over 500 KPP, subtract 100 for atmosphere, 400 KPA, so BP was in the 58 PSI range with 48-49 PSI of boost not too bad.
I know the lie-o-meter isn't true but for it to say 19 mpg before I had to hold 55 mph on cruise and don't touch the throttle now it will say higher than that driving 65-70 so the chargers are more efficient.
The only thing I have found is idle EGT when it is cold outside is not high enough the truck will surge a little. Put into gear, EGT comes up and the truck is normal.
Overall these turbos are great.
Towing today on the Street tune over some 7+% stuff so I will post the BP and EGT's. EGT's I am not worried about, BP though I bet is going to be the same with the stock chargers when I towed on the street tune and it would hit 50 PSI of boost.