Anyone using Schaeffers Moly EP oil treatment?
Anyone using Schaeffers Moly EP oil treatment?
It would be my understanding, with the way HEUI is, and perhaps flawed thinking is if you add something into your oil and your truck runs better that would lead me to believe you should seek out a better oil to run?
I ran rotella in the school bus, and cold starts after it had sat for a few days it would kinda rump, idle funny at first.
I switched to Scamsoil, I mean Amsoil and ran it until I sold the truck. I even ran 15W-40 in winter time, and we average 15 degrees Fahrenheit as a good cold day during winter on the East Coast and didn't even bother plugging the truck in, it started fairly close to the same as if it was a 70 degree day. Just a normal start up procedure, no cycling the key on and off 100 times, and all the other witchcraft.
I ran yearly oil changes with a single Amsoil Bypass filter.
7.3L HEUI is a bit different than 6.0L HEUI, but the concept is the same.
...I think part of the problem is the HEUI itself, but I'm not going to debate a dinosaur injection system to those who have made proven power and the fact they are still around and chugging hard.