Currently the CTS. The Tstat starts to open at 190+ if I recall. Fully open at 210 or so....
I used a fluid thermometer to check ECT at the bottle and EOT at the oil fill (bypass kit installed). Sensors are reading within a reasonable range of the handheld fluid thermometer.
If you wanted to rule out a faulty sensor, you can swap the eot and ect sensors and see if the reading stays the same. They are the same part #. If the temps stay the same, oil cooler needed. If the temperature readings are flipped eot under ect, then you will need another sensor. You can check the resistance in almost boiling water for a test if you want to verify it that way also. The readings should be close to each other.
anything new on this? we did a motor swap with a reman, new oil cooler and fresh fluids, almost 1000 miles changed oil, efw hundered miles on the new oil change, and temps are up! could the oil cooler be bad? this soon>?