I have noticed my fan engaged while at low rpm since I did this install, I think im gonna try unthreading the sensor also. My surge is also at 55 to 60 under light throttle. I have 60hp nozzles and rp is falling off to 18ksi at wot thats why I said I think my pump is weak. But I want to get this surge fixed and check everything out before I go changing hpfp's or adding dual fuelers. I spoke with Mike at KEM about the rp he said not much he can do with it falling off that much, I didnt mention the surge. I really need to spend some time in the truck with my ae checking everything. I hope you get it figure out and let us know soon...if I happen to stumble across a solution I will let you know.
Op do have airdog? The guys at elite told me I needed to turn the ad reg to 15psi but mine wont hold that even with the reg all the way in. When I turn the ad up any higher than about 13/14 psi it gets really noisy and the hpfp does also then it surges at idle. I know you guys already adressed that, just putting it out there incase im missing something. Im not a rocket scientist but there has to be a fix for this without going back to stock rails, would love to hear some tuners thoughts on this.