I have Eric's newest tunes along with Fords latest flash. From what i found, it is an Oil level too high code, and the reason it is there is incase fuel is added to the oil and it exceeds 1000cc of addition to the oil.
Do you think the amount of PW of the xrace along with maybe a rail pressure spike or drop may cause the code if it measures like that?
Its not rail pressure. Like Dustin said its got to do with cylinder contribution and also short term fuel trim. If the short term fuel trim of a cylinder is outside of the threshold then it causes derate mode and reduced power. It uses fuel trim as a parameter for oil level overfull because if the oil level were to high it would be fueling from the CCV therefore the fuel trims would be out of spec. I'm still not sure at what rate of fuel adjustment this code is set.
If anyone is having this problem, or similiar problems light an oil light problem with the sct, make sure to contact IDP, i talked to Ted today and he said I am the 3rd truck they have heard of with this problem. I have seen more problems than that on just the forums.