massive pulse widths along with advanced timing at lower rpms are likely the cause of premature PMR engine failures.
some older styles of tuning had massive timing advances to help with responsiveness/ smoke control (hoping for hp and economy gains).
in my opinion if low boost fueling is controlled correctly most tunes can be smoke free yet if low boost fueling is limited excessively the tune could have a light switch effect.
each tuner has their own opinion of how to control each parameter, in this scenario the tunes should be chosen by how you personally would like the truck to respond.
Pretty much nailed it.
Some people feel the stock pedal is too dead. IMO making it a bit more responsive is perfectly fine as long as it's still very comfortable to drive and nothing more. To me a very touchy pedal just feels like lazy tuning where no effort was given to maintain drivability.
Extra power, even a little bit extra, means crap if affects your daily driving. I'd rather drive a bone stock truck that's slow and just putts along than something I have to fight with every second.
It's stupid easy to make a tune with balls-to-the-walls power, but it will be smoky and touchy. Takes more finesse to build a tune that drive like stock, but puts down the power exactly when demanded. There are a few tuners out there who have really nailed it down very well.