please help


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Nov 19, 2017
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hey guys need some help and a little advice, i got a 2007 6.0 with 110,xxx miles for the past 3 months i’ve had a random burp of coolant from my degas botttle out of the cap, it’s only happened 4 times. i replaced the cap and bottle. the oil cooler and egr were replaced at 80,000 miles i have no big difference in coolant/oil tempatures and no coolant in the oil. any ideas what i should do next? thanks in advance


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Aug 7, 2011
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Butt Town

If you're having coolant burping, even w/ a new cap then it's likely a HG issue unless you've overfilled cold.

FWIW, I had mine at a shop for an AC issue and they "topped" off my coolant and the drive home it over flowed. Ford issued a TSB as I recall as you can overfill cold and it will pop at temp. I want to say that even my service manual has the fill spot very low on the degass bottle.

And, I've used a pressure pump while trying to find a leak. I tested the system to 15lbs and the coolant will pressurize to the top of the degas if you have over filled cold.

I've drained mine to the correct level and I have no issues now.

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