Possible broken injector tip

Tim @ P.I.S.

May 22, 2011
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Sunny, FL
I've got a question here. Why when a 6.0 nozzle breaks, fuel pressure is blamed immediatley, but on a 7.3, it isnt? I've never taken a heui injector apart, but have a half ass idea of what goes on inside of one. Just don't understand why if pressurized fuel is the "cushion" for the needle in the injector on a 6.0, is it not on a 7.3?

Out of the thousands of 200% nozzles we have used this is only the THIRD one that has been reported back to us as having broke.

At least one of the other two was know from low fuel psi. Customer installed and ran 230/200 injectors feed by a stock mech fuel pump. # 8 was the one that broke. The second was also #8 for the customer. I believe it too was a fuel supply issue, just could not confirm it.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Out of the thousands of 200% nozzles we have used this is only the THIRD one that has been reported back to us as having broke.

At least one of the other two was know from low fuel psi. Customer installed and ran 230/200 injectors feed by a stock mech fuel pump. # 8 was the one that broke. The second was also #8 for the customer. I believe it too was a fuel supply issue, just could not confirm it.

Heard about it a few years ago. Seems there was a batch back around 2010. Hear about it in the 400% world more often.
Jan 26, 2014
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Out of the thousands of 200% nozzles we have used this is only the THIRD one that has been reported back to us as having broke.

At least one of the other two was know from low fuel psi. Customer installed and ran 230/200 injectors feed by a stock mech fuel pump. # 8 was the one that broke. The second was also #8 for the customer. I believe it too was a fuel supply issue, just could not confirm it.

I highly doubt it. I have new fuel filters fed with an A1000 pump. It was cylinder # 4. 5/8" sump feed and 1/2" to the heads.

Tim @ P.I.S.

May 22, 2011
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Sunny, FL
Heard about it a few years ago. Seems there was a batch back around 2010. Hear about it in the 400% world more often.

Must have heard about it on the Internet. You know everything on it is true. ;)

A 400% failure could be another issue all together. An internal injector issue. We have had zero 400% failures that I can think of.


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Jun 23, 2011
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How many do you send out the door? How many are on dd trucks? I believe that is thr difference. A 200 is more common simply because its a daily friendly nozzle for a muuuch larger user group.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Thats why I always thought a 300/300 would be the best. Smack dab inbetween the easy peasy 200 and the potentially pita for the back and forth tuning process.

Of course live tuning would be ideal.


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May 21, 2011
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9 miles high @ 550 mph
Switzerland has never lost a war that I can think of. You kind of have to have some skin in the game....before you make sidehanded claims as the undefeated world champion in my book. To each thier own though.

I agree TyCorr...300% nozzles...in another time/life...may have been the sweet spot for our ole' platform...just not the market to motivate innovation anymore.


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May 19, 2011
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Man with that low of fuel pressure I cannot imagine how bad it ran or didn't when load and rpms went up. As fuel is the only lubrication and cooling in there...not good. Mine was certainly not a fuel issue as it is a redundant system with 2x the needed volume easy, surge tank, plumbed in the rear out the front ,and has pressure gauge with warning lit in the cab. Mine was cyl #4 just to add info. I think Dave's mentioned below was #2 but I can not recall for sure.

As to the issue of the part of the tip doing damage: IMHO, 99.9% it has already done what its going to do from what I read doing some checking of the forums and talking to various people. Think how many times that piston cycled before you cut off the engine. Think of the flow of air in and out (think of the volume of fuel smoke you saw as a rough estimation) with the cycling of the valves in ratio to the piston. Its either blown out or done its damage or both. Regardless you will have the same end result or repair or nothing.

I saw no ill effects from mine and I recall Dave up in Alaska had the same thing happen with his 400% near the same time I did and no damage to his that has shown up I know of. Certainly not a guarantee but still data points. Judging from the pics they all seemed to have the same general break pattern. Between nozzle ports taking at least part of the tip with it. It would make sense the larger the ports the weaker it gets, add in any stress weakness in the tip, and given the heat and pressure its a recipe for a failure eventually. It seems far more rare with 200 and under from what I have been lead to believe which makes sense.

All in all at least for me its more just a pain to deal with as long as you shut it down without hydro-locking it. You have to pull them and send the one or all off depending on the situation. If you are lucky its not the last one you pull if only sending the one LOL. Would certainly not be my luck....

Of course if your lucky like me this last week, you were using a 8 mm sock and did not realize it was broken/worn and it stripped two of the injector bolt heads before you caught what was going on Grr..... Not the worst as I pulled the solenoid and loosen the top bolt but still a PITA that is not needed when its the first time/project you have worked on your 7.3 since putting it up for the winter. Got to order me one of those top side creeper. I am getting tired of laying across the top of all those engine bay parts and the stock bumper sucks to trying to stand on and the step I use is just not quite the right height for everything. Think I will order one tomorrow.


New member
May 19, 2011
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Thats why I always thought a 300/300 would be the best. Smack dab inbetween the easy peasy 200 and the potentially pita for the back and forth tuning process.

Of course live tuning would be ideal.

Switzerland has never lost a war that I can think of. You kind of have to have some skin in the game....before you make sidehanded claims as the undefeated world champion in my book. To each thier own though.

I agree TyCorr...300% nozzles...in another time/life...may have been the sweet spot for our ole' platform...just not the market to motivate innovation anymore.

Very true at our given pressures and flow rates. Ideally I would want them EDM and not, at least what was the norm, EDM to 200% and then EH up to 300%, at least that is what I recall. But honestly for a street truck the power you can pull from 200% is about all you can reasonable use on the street in these engines the way they are and certainly if taken to max power they can produce even with keeping it somewhat higher in the rpms can window a block on anything but a full built short block

But I swear if I have to keep chasing electronic / sensor problems and gremlins I am going to end up with a damn P pump from the otherside; smoke and less efficient power curve and all. But there is something about the uniqueness of the HUEI and my history of use of the ol'7.3 I can not deny.
Jan 26, 2014
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Got the injector Back and put it in yesterday. Truck is up and running great. Thanks for a fast turn around Tim.

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