Get a can of air, when the truck shuts off, turn it upside down (the can of air, not the truck), and spray the IPR coil. See if it will start.
Get a can of air, when the truck shuts off, turn it upside down (the can of air, not the truck), and spray the IPR coil. See if it will start.
After its shuts down and I try to restart with the icp plugged in the pressure only gets to 148 while cranking and with icp unplugged it gets to 1800 while cranking with no start either way. I will do some more data logging later today when I am around the truck.
OBD data with the ICP sensor plugged in = pressure the sensor is seeing ( if the sensor is good).
OBD data with the ICP sensor unplugged = expected ICP with the demanded DC value based on a "limp" or look up table the PCM will use to get you home in the event your ICP sensor fails.
at least that is my undersatnding of it
Hope your new IPR is the fix, sounds like it is.