1: The Center caps comment was for the F150, not for the Jeep. I actually like the Jeep, it's practical for what it's made for, but I'm sorry there's no way in HELL you can convince me or anyone else that the F150 was capable offroad.
2: I was referring to the crowd that you're being associated with when you put a stupid impractical lift on a truck: The Daddies Money Crowd. I served 14 years in the Navy before a spine dislocation, glad to meet you.
3: Don't worry you can't piss me off, I've found humor helps in some of the sh!ttiest situations you can/can't imagine, so most of my comments are just good natured ribbing, you know, like we did in the military

At the end of the day, nothing anyone writes on here has any bearing on my life.
4: I didn't write the rules on how a truck is supposed to be used, I'm just sharing the general feeling on the look you're going for.
5: In no way did I mean any offense, but if you took it that way and felt the need to defend yourself: You may have a hard time here.
6: You're right, you're you and you know what you like, and my opinion doesn't mean crap. Build whatever you're going to build, paint it pink and put blue dicks all over it, doesn't matter to me, but I will comment on it! Lol
7: Don't put anything that says: FASS on your truck...
8: :toast: