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We need to meet up junkie I want to take it for a spin.. Just for comparison purposes 
250/80s if youre towing. If the rest of my truck was a good trailer puller, im sure this is the setup i'd have on it. im not sold on the 200% nozzle thing yet, i still havent seen enough to sell me on them if this the hp you're shooting for.
I have 200 nozzles on my dually... And I agree with you... I wish they were 100s
They don't tow badly the tunes are fine if you drive it right but I think it would be better with a smaller nozzle...
That's what I don't understand.... Why? I would think the bigger nozzle would allow for shorter shots saving oil, and more fuel as needed. I just don't get why smaller nozzles would be better.
No that would be stupid...
Whys that? If I understand it right, it will allow the same amount of fuel to be sprayed in les time in return using less oil? Right or wrong? If it uses less oil then my hpop wouldn't run almost 68% dc. Also with correct tuning less smoke because it wouldn't have to spray longer?
Ok, the oil requirement makes sense but let's talk about overall drivability and tunability. Why would a 200% nozzle be inferior to a 100% nozzle on a truck that was not "maxing out" the injector with either nozzle? I would think that if yo had enough oil a larger nozzle would allow the required fuel to be injected later, ultimately creating safer power. Ready to listen.OK guys... right here right now. Spraying the same amount of fuel in less time without changing the injection ratio of the injector uses MORE oil. The oil consumption flow rate has to increase - now the duty cycle of the injection system might go down, and since there is more "off" time for the entire injection system the IPR duty cycle to maintain an average pressure might be lower, but that doesn't mean you are actually using less oil.
If I have a hybrid injector and I want to inject 100cc of fuel in in 2ms of time - that takes 500cc of oil in 2ms of time. Now I inject that same amount of fuel in 1.5ms.... that means I need the same amount of oil in that same time window - therefore I need a HIGHER instantaneous flow rate entering that injector.