6.0L Stroker
Oh sorry guys yeah I meant more affordable than the 20 inch bar although I'm sure the light output of that 20 would be amazing.
So, back on track, are these lightbars something a guy can drive with on desolate roads? As in, nobody is around turn this on and its easier,safer to see? I could get into.this if so. I already gave wifey the heads up on buying one if it'll work.
I have mine tied into my high beams. Figured if they were on, its ok to add a little more light. And there's one less switch on the dash.
Thats not a bad idea. I too dont like alot of random switches and **** everywhere. lol
On the 05-07, you just have to ground a pin at the fuse panel and you can run fogs all the time. I can't remember the pin number though, but there's a write-up on one of the other forums.
Yea, or a britebox setup(high and low beams simultaneously) which allows the fog circuit to remain hot always. So long as the switch is pulled out.