Breaking Habits
New member
3400 shipped
PSA Price is 5% off of that price
PSA Price is 5% off of that price
I hope to put down 700 on a stock block in a few weeks.
Care to elaborate bud?
Sent from the wild blue yonder....
Cp4's are about done @550... A few have claimed 600 on a stock cp4 I personaly have never seen might pick up 40hp if you fuel it hard down low with nitrous... but I'm not seeing 150 rwhp lol but by all meansno harm in tryin
Well that musta been a freaklike I said...I never seen it, dosent mean it never happend...what solenoid or nozzel was he running?
That is all... wasn't tryin to pee in anyone's cheerios lol
Just gana take more than a turbo swap to make 700rwhp