New member
When y'all got the Grant did ya get the Compound Curve? I am trying to figure out what looks better and the big difference.
When y'all got the Grant did ya get the Compound Curve? I am trying to figure out what looks better and the big difference.
they want $444 for one shipped. damn son
cant wait to see this thing put on and painted
That thing looks SICK. Except for the side plate mount LOL but whatever floats your boat...
I wanted to try something different. Hopefully I'll have finished pictures next week. Trying to have it all done for the Numida NADM event.
Oh werd. I should be there too. Still with no faking 4x4.... maybe I'll air down and launch soft in 2wd just for fun lol
My bumper needs painted so I'm just gunna get a roll pan and paint it instead
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