Orange Stroker
Ya I don't quite understand that if it truly is a 1.60 housing how a duramax ever spooled that thing....Maybe a ton of spray!!
got some testing done with the new turbo now that its all sealed up and not coating my engine bay in soot. this thing is a monster, even at 5000ft. This wheel just has some great momentum, it takes a second coming off a light for it to get moving but its pretty quick to come to life. It will sing just driving down the road and getting on the highway with out even trying its building 3-5psi which is nice compared to my 71/83 where i had to spool it and just felt like a dog up here. I wish i had tried a bigger exhaust wheel a long time ago!
I havent tried much hotter of a tune besides my daily which made 30psi up here and the new turbo makes 35-37psi. Ill have to log some runs on the hotter tunes as this is a very mild/easy tune.
I was surpised to find that the truck is torquier and more responsive just driving around town. a touch of the pedal and you can hear that big ol compressor singing away where as my 71 would smoke a tad then come to life.