So I had a 2000 SD throttle pedal in my hand the other day and just for fun held it up next to (the still bolted in place) 96 pedal.
It appeared the TPS is the same but the OBS has an actual Micro brand quality IVS. I'm sure I could come up with a micro switch that would work less the plug, would have to alter the wires.
So then I though why not the complete pedal. It appears the firewall bolt pattern could be the same. Once again the IVS has a different connector and appears cheap compared to the OBS.
I generally have a spare part in the truck for anything you could install on the road. Currently running the original throttle so time to get this one behind the seat. Generally I install new parts on the truck while the older parts are functioning fine and are then good known spares, breakdown prevented and spare created.
Anyone try a complete SD throttle or components?
It appeared the TPS is the same but the OBS has an actual Micro brand quality IVS. I'm sure I could come up with a micro switch that would work less the plug, would have to alter the wires.
So then I though why not the complete pedal. It appears the firewall bolt pattern could be the same. Once again the IVS has a different connector and appears cheap compared to the OBS.
I generally have a spare part in the truck for anything you could install on the road. Currently running the original throttle so time to get this one behind the seat. Generally I install new parts on the truck while the older parts are functioning fine and are then good known spares, breakdown prevented and spare created.
Anyone try a complete SD throttle or components?