You probably drained the rails. Crank for 30 seconds, let it sit for a couple minutes. Repeat four or five times. Check HPOP reservoir while letting starter cool off. If you can get a scanner on there, watch ICP.
rotella has been proven many times over to create chitty idle, start and running conditions. i switched out to dello and bam, problems solved.. same as the rest of us.. give chevron dello 15-40 a try...I've been thinking about what you said Lincoln locker about archoil. I was guessing it was lubing up the orings and making them seal up. Last winter when I added it it totally fixed the hard start when it was cold and zero smoke when it fired up for @1500 miles give or take. Didn't use a drop of oil. Then all of a sudden it started back. So if the archoil wasn't fixing the orings what was it fixing? And I'm not familiar with stiction? I know it has to do with injectors but what does that mean exactly?
that combo will definitely get you there but if you ever want more out of it then id go 250/200s and have them de-tuned till you are ready to do what you want.Well slap me thrice and send me to me mommy! Then that's been my problem the whole time. Not just the orings but injectors all together. I'd already made up my mind to change them anyways. I would like to go with hybrids and get good tuning to restrict them till I can pull the heads and do what needs to be done. If were to go with a 200/100 injectors,t500 hpop,gtp38r,and fuel system dp tuner or any well known vendor could tune them to perform until the funds are there to get full potential? This way it leaves room for upgrading? Am I right or is this not a good idea? I would definitely want tunes restricted to 425hp max!