Sonnax/Tricumulator shift kit vs BTS valvebody


In the Brig (Banned)
May 18, 2011
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BTS VB VS Sonnax/Tricumulator shift kit? So where are comparing what is basically a parts kit versus a complete custom built VB that was built by a gentleman that builds arguably the absolute best and strongest 4r100 in the world and has basically dedicated his working life for however many years now to making the 4r100 as good as it can possibly be. Hmmmmm Is this really a hard question to answer? If all you can about is positive shifts and NOTHING more I am sure the kit will do fine. That is very different from comparing the parts kit vs a BTS VB at least IMO when speaking of over all performance and reliability and its effects on the overall trans.

I do not know all Brian does to the VB and or if some of it is different for his built trans vs one he would sell to someone with a otherwise stock trans. But I do know that mine as was said had extra holes that were not on the stock one and thus would not be in the the one with just the parts kit. I would not doubt there are a number of other tweaks he does or possibly even mod he makes to those same parts kits or parts he chooses to have made better etc..

As I see it when it comes to 7.3 performance or even just diesel engine repair etc in general the cost of the BTS or even the dif between it and the kit that you must install (even though its not exactly hard at all or overly time consuming to do) is barely a single drop in the money bucket. I would go with a full built VB from BTS and as far as I know if you give him your specs he can adjust it likewise to match up with your trucks configuration.

Well said, even though you're being overly critical of the Sonnax/Tricumulator. I agree that a "parts kit" will not touch a fully built VB.
That being said, for $40 bucks, I think it's a great investment for the intake, tuner, exhaust guys.


New member
May 19, 2011
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No not being overly critical at all. I think its an AWESOME kit. Really I do and if /when I every build a trans it will have that in it. Heck would not surprise me if from a cost stand point BTS and others actual use something of a bulk version. But its the skill and knowledge I am focusing on. And the fact there is a lot more to a VB than that kit. That's all.
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