Sputtering problem on the highway


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Jan 22, 2013
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Well I have been doing lots of reading, and whether or not this sputtering issue is solely being caused by a bad injector or something else, I think I'm definitely having some injector issues. And I did notice the issues seem more noticeable towards the end of an oil change and if I don't run an additive at a fill up. I still haven't opened up the valve covers yet, been cold as chit outside and no garage :( I'm pretty sure they need new orings as well but I'm not gonna go through the hassle of just replacing a bad injector and doing orings on the rest. Might as well just bite the bullet and upgrade :D Gonna upgrade the HPOP as well.


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Jan 22, 2013
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Well I'm still fighting this issue. But I did finally get it hooked up to it hooked up to Auto Enginuity. I also have a brand new ICP sensor. I ran the tests used by Swamps again. Truck idles fine, starts fine, no codes and still pulls pretty hard during acceleration. However, now the truck only maintained 1900 psi at a WOT run from 60-90mph and the duty cycle hit 72%. So my guess is the pump is taking a poop on me. So pump and injectors? :doh:
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May 19, 2011
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You could possibly also have a injector/s spewing oil. Dave would know far better than I and I would defer to his opinion for sure on this. If the injector was blowing oil out then I would think it.possible the hoop might not be able to keep up especially if it's weak also. My point is that you could have a few issues and one is magnifying the other.

Weak hoop that can do ok enough if not pushed to hard but.then add in a injector/s with some blowby and it now is very noticeably weak. It would suck to only have so much cash to throw at the problems and spend it on a hpop only to find out it might not completely fix.the issue. Where on the other hand you fix the injectors if they are an issue and that hpop might last a good bit longer.

But as I said I would listen to what Dave aka Golfer suggests.

You could pull the valve covers, start the engine and see if an injector is pissing oil. It would be obvious at least to me. I could also be completely wrong and the injectors may not even be able to cause that set of conditions.with the hpop level. Why I would want.to hear what Dave thinks now.that you have some data to help narrow in on the cause.

Mostly I am trying to come up with everything to possibility check before throwing costly parts at it.


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Jan 22, 2013
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Thanks for the reply! Yeah I've been leaning more towards injectors ever since he replied to this thread because of the symptoms. I did have the valve covers off and to me it kinda looked like they were all spitting the same amount of oil. But ofc to me I couldn't tell if that amount was bad or fine lol. And to be honest, the biggest thing that has me wanting to do both is having driven my brother's truck. He's done new injectors and hpop, what a difference. I told myself I wasn't gonna drive his since I wanted to wait a little longer to upgrade. That was a big mistake, now I have the itch LOL. I just wasn't sure which I wanted to do first. Or I can just get it over with and do both at the same time. I just over think it when I have to make a decision LOL.


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Jan 22, 2013
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Well I installed an Adrenaline yesterday. The stock pump was definitely one of my problems. Already feels much better. Can't wait for injectors now. Should be ordering them in another week or 2.


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Jun 23, 2011
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check the turbo for endplay...that could account for the smoke..but not a miss/vibration.

what inj, turbo, gearing, tire size...are you running...

some of what you describe sounds similar to a weak injector...

injectors can miss at low ICP & work at high(er) ICP...

lugging an engine, with the TC locked will amplify any engine (injector) imbalance..since the vibration isn't dampened through the TC (fluid coupling when unlocked).

just throwing this out there...
It sure sounds like a worn injector to me...

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