My dad had those exact rosewood 160/80 injectors in his and we used to take that his truck from CO to ND, about 700 miles, all the time. Even with a 6" lift he got about 16mpg with them.
I did my recent trip with NO TUNES. 424 miles on diesel and 1389 miles on veg. On diesel it got 17 fully loaded with a trailer with a car on it filled to the top. But California is 55mph with a trailer. Outside of ca I ran veg the whole way at 70-80 mph and got 15 mpg. Im stoked on my mileage. I know I would have gotten better with a chip.
I would take a set of 160/80s over 200/30s any day. An you don't nessessarely need more oil for 2's. A healthy 15* or a 17* will run them. Yes you would benefit from say a t500.
He'll my buddy is running 160/80's on a stock ass 380k mile 17* in his super duty with stock turbo and swamps tunes. Breaks 15.50's loose at 50 and can still get 20+ mpg
With split-shot 160 StageIIs, I would get a CEL with the good stock 15*, with a 17* no CEL and after the twin terminator it would pull a lot better. :thumbsup: