Still Open?

Connor M

Youtube Certified Master Technician
Oct 12, 2016
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Isn't this the same situation that Mid Atlantic Diesel went through? Sucks for all involved to get screwed like this.

And Altered Attitude, the suspension guy out in cali, last year or the year before. Used to do amazing work, then one day just started taking money and trucks, doing jack, and really running something reminiscent of a pyramid scheme. Eventually people started showing up with cops and dragging their half assembled trucks out on trailers, and never seeing the tens of thousands (maybe more) they gave him.


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Aug 11, 2015
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Harrisburg, OR
Makes sense to me now... I've been trying for over a yr to get tunning updates, never had returned calls, just sucks as I've THROW away a chit ton of money to get my truck done. Guess it's on to bigger an better things...


Jan 19, 2014
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Columbus, GA
This is old news. He totally screwed me way back when he was considered by all a “great guy”. He’s always been a sorry turd. He just had plenty of blinded nut swingers tricked into supporting his sorry a$$. I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.


Active member
May 18, 2011
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This is old news. He totally screwed me way back when he was considered by all a “great guy”. He’s always been a sorry turd. He just had plenty of blinded nut swingers tricked into supporting his sorry a$$. I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.

Yup, I knew he was questionable when he did that badger Jr and will make it a SR At a later date. That never happened..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Jan 19, 2014
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Columbus, GA
I can’t remember where I read it, but it seems like MB Diesel (don’t quote me on that) or someone took apart some failed Jr’s only to see that they were basically a stock pump. Can’t remember if it was the Org or Nation. But I read it.


New member
Jul 2, 2015
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Acworth GA

This is old news. He totally screwed me way back when he was considered by all a “great guy”. He’s always been a sorry turd. He just had plenty of blinded nut swingers tricked into supporting his sorry a$$. I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.

He is truly a worthless piece of **** that many at one time spoke highly of when others that experienced his worthyness. He couldn’t write a clean tune for my truck to safe his worthless life . Needs his ass stomped before after jail .


Active member
May 21, 2011
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Linden, NJ
Sorry guys ..I have not been on in a long time.

Billy texted me and linked this thread last week.

I have had no contact with Jonathan for almost 2 years now......I was a friend of his for close to 15 years and was dropped out of the blue one day..... I talked with Cassie for a bit afterwards but have fallen out of touch with her as well. I had no idea this was going I am shocked by the meteoric fall from grace. I always tried to represent myself, his company (as i was an employee) openly, honestly and fairly. I am humiliated that I put my trust in him.... I do know drugs are the issue and a mountain of legal troubles are pending...

For all of you wondering if Karma has paid a visit to him yet...To date he lost his home, vehicles, tools, equiptment (including his dyno) his wife, his shop, most, if not all of his friends...and he still has the law to answer to...I got this info from another former employee.

I am sorry for all those victimized by Jonathan.

I had no idea, if I did, I would of helped in any way I could of.



New member
Apr 30, 2017
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Cave City, KY
Hello everyone, just wanted to stop in and elaborate on the DP fiasco. I have been dealing w/ the Jones' since they were at Beans back in 2009. When I opened on my own in '12 they approached me to be a dealer for the product line, to which I agreed. Over the last few years, like many, I have never had a single issue up until the recent months. Things were slow here in KY this past summer, so at his request I closed down to let clientele build up, and to help Jonathan get caught up because of personal matters, and employee matters.

I arrived in late June and stayed until the 1st week of August, and basically emptied the parking lot by myself in the process. I met and worked for several great people, @powerjoke73 being one of them. Jonathan was doing his best to get me to stay and run his business, promising a very healthy salary and benefits, but something seemed off, something I hadn't noticed in what had been strictly phone orders for almost 6 years. I made my first trip down there for a dyno day last year, and was not impressed with the location, very ghetto, and very shady; however, when asked to come help, I didn't hesitate because he had always been there to help me, or direct me in what steps I needed to take. Things were alright for the most part, but I kept seeing him leave, well more like disappearing for hours and leaving everyone else to figure out what needed to be done, which is poor leadership in my opinion. On top of that, he was asking us to remove parts from his truck, or another person's truck, and install them on customer trucks, I put a stop to that immediately, and refused to proceed. If a customer orders a new part, that's what they get, bottom line, no exceptions. Money became an issue, people's checks were bouncing, parts weren't getting ordered, bill's weren't being paid, and people were getting testy. If he can't pay the people he has now, how can he promise me the salary he's pushing?

We also got into a fight over @powerjoke73's truck, and how he wanted me to install the fuel system, both @powerjoke73 and his father were there to see me loose my temper and walk off, and it was only 3 days later that I left. Fast forward to coming back to CHP...I absolutely do not work on Duramax powered truck unless it's tuning, or suspension lifts, I started working for a combined Ford/Dodge dealership in '04, so my background is strictly PSD & CTD. A customer who's truck I installed a 6.5" suspension lift and Dyno Proven EFI Live on brought me a stack of cash and wouldn't take no for an answer. He wouldn't let anyone else touch the truck because even though it would take me longer due to inexperience, he knew it would be done correctly. He paid up front for a PPE Stage 5 tranny w/ triple disc converter, 64mm billet wheel charger, and a set of 100HP injectors. The injectors were ordered from DDP, no issues there, Lenny & his crew are more than awesome. The transmixer and turbinator were ordered from DP, and that's when the real f***ery began for me. He delivered what appeared to be a freshly rebuild transmission, and the parts to build a turbo, to which he built on the spot in my facility. I paid the man, he left, only to never really be heard from again...This was mid October...

Installed everything without issue, fired the truck up, sounded great, throttle was great, but the transmixer was locked in limp mode w/ 20+ TCM codes. We attempted to get with Jonathan but that lead to no answers, read but unresponded texts, and "he's not here" when Sherry would decide to answer the shop phone. My customer drove down to DP 3 times and was fed all kinds of BS, and at one point, Jonathan had convinced him that I screwed him, took him for a fool, and overcharged him for used parts...I was ready to head south but couldn't due to work load, and it's probably a good thing I didn't because I would have hurt him...bad...After it was all said and done, not only is the transmission a 6 speed Allison rather than the needed 5 speed, but it was rebuilt over a year ago, and was removed from a truck that belongs to a customer of his that's currently in jail for quite a while, so guess who's in possession of stolen property?...This guy...Jones tried saying he had a mechanics lean on the truck and he could do whatever he wanted with it, turns out he in fact that he did not, he was selling other people's property to pay for whatever? I contacted my local law, and my county attorney, they assured me that I have nothing to worry about, a case in KY was opened, pictures, serial numbers, and documentation was made by my local authorities, however nothing could be done because no one could prove it stolen (owner is in jail) and there would have to be a case made in GA first.

My dumb *** took the dually in my sig down there to finish the build, and tune it, which never happened, but I do have it, and some of my parts back here in KY now. I received a message from a customer I had done a lot of work for down there stating that Jones was selling everything on FB, and moving, and sent me pictures of the private post. I immediately jumped in the truck and hit the road with the title to my truck, my parts list, and notified the Rossville PD who I was, what I was doing, and what I was coming for, because I'll be damned if he sells my s**t behind my back. Long story short, it took him 4 hours to come out of the house, he avoided me, and pretty much everyone with excuses of "i'll be right back" "let me take care of this" "i need to look at something real quick" etc. etc....I was there with about 30 other people at one time trying to collect parts, money, or a good right cross, and then it happened, he managed to disappear for about 20 minutes, and then all of a sudden he was at his house next door in cuffs. Show was over after that, nothing anybody could do.

Since then I've been down there 4 times with people I met over the summer in an attempt to get their legally owned belongings back to them. This last time was with @powerjoke73's father in an attempt to recovery whatever we could. We spoke with the detective face to face for over an hour, gave statements, filed cases, presented the transmission deal on my end to open the investigation and file charges, and was told to our face "I've chased all the leads I have found, searched all over the area and I have no idea where he is or where the trucks and parts are, and quite frankly you're wasting your time."....Remember when I said he was really trying to talk me into staying and running DP? Well he took me and showed me all kinds of places, met all kinds of people, all the different shops he sends things too, everything in an attempt to show me how awesome it was down there. What he didn't plan on was not only am I a farm boy, but my father and his father are both lifetime old school truck drivers...I have a photographic memory, and if you take me anywhere in the world, I can find my way back.

After speaking with several people and chasing down tow truck operators, they gave me a description of a place I had been before, but didn't have an exact address. I did some more digging and was able to get a landmark within 4 miles of the place, and that's all I needed, I knew exactly where to go, and when we got there it was like hitting the lottery. We immediately called the detective, he didn't believe us, said there was no way, so he was texted the location and pictures of the trucks parked in a mud field and hidden in the woods. After loading the truck we went after, he actually showed up and was very evasive and jumpy, and would not talk to me, but I wouldn't talk to me either if I did what he had done. So now I am purchasing a legit PPE Stage 5 from PPE, which is what I should have to begin with, but as I stated, I'm not a Dmax guy (tampoon wagons if you ask me) as well as filing charges against him for all of this. I don't care at all to make it up to my customer, that's what I was raised to do, but when you're a 32 year old sole business owner, no bank money, no family money, no investors, working and doing all of it out of your own back pocket it's a big hit.

It really sucks that somebody I looked up to for so long turned out to be such a piece of s**t. At one point he had me convinced that he was closing DP and moving all of the manufacturing equipment and dyno to my facility so "Cooper High Performance will blow up and make a name in the industry"...I was on cloud 9 you guys, finally all of my hard work, long hours, and soul pouring efforts were going to pay off, I would no longer be a small town one man show...Got dang was I ever wrong, and for the first time I was actually more than happy to be wrong.

If anybody has any questions or want more information, just hit me up on here or on FB, and i'll try to get back to you as quickly as possible. I'm not a big social media person, so if I don't reply immediately, I will as soon as I can. Thank you and God bless.

Shaun Cooper - Cooper High Performance


Active member
May 18, 2011
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Champlin MN
Sorry guys ..I have not been on in a long time.

Billy texted me and linked this thread last week.

I have had no contact with Jonathan for almost 2 years now......I was a friend of his for close to 15 years and was dropped out of the blue one day..... I talked with Cassie for a bit afterwards but have fallen out of touch with her as well. I had no idea this was going I am shocked by the meteoric fall from grace. I always tried to represent myself, his company (as i was an employee) openly, honestly and fairly. I am humiliated that I put my trust in him.... I do know drugs are the issue and a mountain of legal troubles are pending...

For all of you wondering if Karma has paid a visit to him yet...To date he lost his home, vehicles, tools, equiptment (including his dyno) his wife, his shop, most, if not all of his friends...and he still has the law to answer to...I got this info from another former employee.

I am sorry for all those victimized by Jonathan.

I had no idea, if I did, I would of helped in any way I could of.


You don't have to worry about your name here, everyone can see that this shiitshow has only one person to blame.


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2012
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Sorry guys ..I have not been on in a long time.

Billy texted me and linked this thread last week.

I have had no contact with Jonathan for almost 2 years now......I was a friend of his for close to 15 years and was dropped out of the blue one day..... I talked with Cassie for a bit afterwards but have fallen out of touch with her as well. I had no idea this was going I am shocked by the meteoric fall from grace. I always tried to represent myself, his company (as i was an employee) openly, honestly and fairly. I am humiliated that I put my trust in him.... I do know drugs are the issue and a mountain of legal troubles are pending...

For all of you wondering if Karma has paid a visit to him yet...To date he lost his home, vehicles, tools, equiptment (including his dyno) his wife, his shop, most, if not all of his friends...and he still has the law to answer to...I got this info from another former employee.

I am sorry for all those victimized by Jonathan.

I had no idea, if I did, I would of helped in any way I could of.


time to go back to your old handle on here Thuggy


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Jul 2, 2015
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Acworth GA

Anyone know the where about of this worthless piece of **** - I assume up in the TN mountains hiding out in an abandon meth lab .


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Jun 10, 2014
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Jan 19, 2014
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Columbus, GA
Jason tried several times to help me out after the issues that I had. I always appreciated him for that. Never once did he duck or dodge. He’s good in my book.
Nut swingers are nowhere to be found now. After constantly defending that sorry piece of ****! Jonathan has ALWAYS been worthless and shady since he went on his own. Truth always catches up to you in the end!!

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