You will be good with that. There is no noticeable difference in sound between a SVC (single voice coil) and DVC (dual voice coil) or 2ohm or 4ohm or anything. It just gives you options to tailor your system.
Also don't worry too much about that power rating and "pushing" it with max power. That rating has a big safety factor built into it. As long as you feed it with good clean power and don't clip the signal it will run with that 500w forever. I really can't image the that amp making a ton of heat, and if it were there is a thermal protect circuit inside that is designed to trip when the amp gets too hot. Not saying to put it on top of the engine or out in the sun, but pretty much any spot on the boat that is convenient should be good enough.
Honestly if done right you could feed that sub clean 800-1000 watt and I bet it would be totally fine on music. But this gets into the range of over fueling a truck and pushing EGT's you have to know what to listen for and how to control before the sub fails, but overpowering when done right is a good thing, but also you won't notice a difference between 4-500w. Rule of thumb is that raw output increases by 3db when power doubles.
One thing to also consider is SOUND QUALITY!!! Yes running a sub in 1 - ohm at max watts seems like the best but in reality 4-ohm will sound the best.
Study spl vs sq
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This is truth, there is better quality when with the higher resistance. It is slipping my mind at the moment but I believe it effects THD or dampening factor, but I forget.
Now this is for a subwoofer and in a boat, so right off the bat it is less than idea where the overall resistance and sound quality difference really won't be audible at all.