A long up date:
Driving around today was again a blast. The roads are a lot better here than up by Shawn's so I was able to get out to some of the paved back roads and do some ( cough Cough testing) ! This truck pulls friggin hard' it is a great street toy!
There is really no lag to speak of, I can easily run from light to light, zip in and out of traffic and not offend a tree hugger in miles! Of coarse if I lay in at wot it will smoke but what friggin dick with a diesel can't?
It does clean up wot runs quite easily!
I tried to get my kid to shoot video for me, but all you see is mirror, then roof and video of it bouncing around the cab while he scrabbled to hang on. The audio is hilarious listing to us both laugh and giggle at every attempt! I wish I could have got video of the family when I showed them our first boosted launch!
My new term " Let Her Eat! " was taught to me by Shawn yesterday and I foresee tires being a new expense come summer! Lol these ones only have one season on them!
Anyways, I cannot say enough great things about the ride! It is a purposely built street toy that I can have 540 hp at my toe and can lay the smak on some local mirror flipped yahoo, tow my boat, car trailer or go on a cross country cruise in comfort all on one tune! Then if I really want to have fun I know there is more available!
I know everyone pm's and Shawn's comments of not to worry about a non load cell Dyno #! It is what we had available at the time but I honestly am not concerned with the #.
The "Street Toy" status is achieved in my books! I of coarse will still do the other tests I promised, but I will wait till spring to afford another day at the Dyno. Maybe adrian will be in the position to throw his stage 4 in the mix as I would love to see back to back same day tests with all three turbos.
I think with the big sticks Shawn built I can use more air to achieve higher numbers! But do not want to sacrifice drivability!
This girl has done over a 1000 miles since the fluids went in, had a Day at the Dyno, layed down some respectable numbers on various files of 545 and 575 then Layed a smack of a number on the juice (863) hell yeah! Plus a little winter field fun and then pulled my other truck and trailer back home a few hundred miles!
Hell of a shake down test wouldn't you agree?
I think the whole package of parts really complement each other, I had the Mads stage 3 before the current build up and it was a fun ride then. But now it is a completely different animal, the compliment of the intake and exhaust manifolds completely change the tone of the turbo and exaust! It is hard to explain, but once the boost hits double digits it sounds Mean! Like a growl and she starts pulling hard real Fricken hard like hang onto the seat with your ass cheeks hard! It feels like its ready to break loose through all the gears but it just keeps pulling and keeps you firmly planted back in the seat!
The turbo surge experienced earlier was on the stock turbo files I had from innovative and the new files have manage to eliminate it for the most part!
-The extreme x it is completely gone
-extreme street is mostly gone but has caught me off guard a few times while on cruise control at 60 mph, rolling through the foothills of the rocky mountains today! I noticed it is mostly when I come to the bottom of a hill and there is no load, then all of a sudden as the cruise commands more throttle for the uphill climb it grabs a surge.
I think this can be tweaked a bit with vgt duty and boost, but I'm not the expert and will chat with Eric on this later
My street file, I loaded up last night when I was 3/4 of the way home! I found an extra 100 degree rise in egt's and the surge was more frequent again under similar conditions mentioned earlier trying to pull out of the 1800 rpm power band!
Yesterday went by so quick! I had great intentions of running with the recently purchased AE product. But I have never used the program before and there wasn't time to learn it in the day.
It also does not monitor egt's and I felt that was more important to me to monitor at the time! So I stayed with the edge monitor that I knew.
I tried to capture video but I'm not sure if it's the iPhone or what but its blurry, Plus it's real hard to video and hang onto the truck at the same time! My compliments to you that have successfully achieved this!
I had purchased a seperate gauge to hook up to monitor Bp, it didn't go in! There was a lack of time and my interest in climbing underneath the truck in a foot of snow, with a wet drippy truck at sub zero temps just didn't qualify my timeline and interest.
Shawn's garage is full of other projects and I have to be honest it is a little distracting when you can't walk 20 ft with out finding a bottle of Gibsons to refill your glass. I think he keeps one by every plug?
On that note I do have to again say thank you to Shawn and the Ellerton family! They all sacrificed some great time for me and my project! Shawn's work is of great quality and the little details in pride of craftsmanship can be seen through out!
Thank you as well to all the vendors I have listed in my sig. They all were quite courteous and shipped promptly. I look forward to working with you all as the need arrives in the future.
I will follow through as I get some spare time with the upcoming holidays to get the truck cleaned up and some videos and pictures taken.. Do let me know any tests you would like to see!
863. Puckin Redneck. :jammin::thumbup: