Supercharged 7.3


In the Brig (Banned)
May 18, 2011
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You maybe going in alittle bit over your head with just going into those injectors with 350 small block logic.


Active member
Jun 10, 2014
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Yeah I'm not stranger to warping stuff. At least I will have 12 to mess with. I may buy a TIG I no longer work at a company that has a TIG at my disposal. I miss having a TIG welder building stuff just isn't the same anymore lol.

You maybe going in alittle bit over your head with just going into those injectors with 350 small block logic.

I've been repairing CNC presision cutting machines for 9 years now. I am no newborn to pulling stuff apart with small parts and puttings them back together. Besides if you don't try to learn with your own hands you never will. After looking at the exploded views of the internals they don't look that bad. Just need a nice clean area to work on them like rebuilding a cutting spindle.
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New member
Jun 22, 2011
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where the antelope play
This is absoloutely hilarious to me, Its like he isnt even reading what you guys say, everyone says hibrids, he says " what about BXXXXX "

Dude are you really just phuckin stupid? ? Like previously stated, you have some of the smartest 7.3 people around telling you hibrids..

I think I have it figured out though.. youre the kinda guy that wants to do stuff just to say you did it. Even tho its EXPENSIVE as SH!T to do it your way, for little or no gain, just so you can tell your buddies at the bar that you mcguvered the balls off your truck and it STILL runs.

Do these guys a favor and just stop posting. You wont listen to anything they suggest, just start a build thread and in the first post say you dont want anyones opinions because youre gonna do it how you want.


May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Mingo, Ohio
This is absoloutely hilarious to me, Its like he isnt even reading what you guys say, everyone says hibrids, he says " what about BXXXXX "

Dude are you really just phuckin stupid? ? Like previously stated, you have some of the smartest 7.3 people around telling you hibrids..

I think I have it figured out though.. youre the kinda guy that wants to do stuff just to say you did it. Even tho its EXPENSIVE as SH!T to do it your way, for little or no gain, just so you can tell your buddies at the bar that you mcguvered the balls off your truck and it STILL runs.

Do these guys a favor and just stop posting. You wont listen to anything they suggest, just start a build thread and in the first post say you dont want anyones opinions because youre gonna do it how you want.

All we can do is give advice. I'm certainly not going to get upset if this guy wants to waste his time and money doing things we did 10 years ago.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
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Yea. Its not enough to get worked up over. Just sit back and watch for the hilarity to ensue.

That being said, a small hybrid with an 80% nozzle can almost indefinitely get to 500 hp without huge oil and a bunch of other garbage. Turbo, little work on the fuel system, and stuff to keep the heads on it. Done.

Now we're tickling the air before it goes into a charger that is more than capable of handling all 90cc of fuel he has. I wonder if a decent set of injectors would illustrate that the blower is a restriction? Add some fuel and magnify the inefficiency?

Its fun to watch is all Ill add.


Active member
Jun 10, 2014
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The blower is not a restriction. Once the turbos suction overcomes the push of the blower the turbo sucks the unrestricted one way valve open and pulls air from atmosphere thru a second filter. Once this happens there is literally no load on the blower. Eaton actually has tested the TVS to state that it uses about 1/2 hp in a bypassed state. The blower itself is only helping part throttle low load situations. Once go to a larger turbo (planning on a 4xx frame turbo) then it may at that point be benificial to increase blower speed to fill the gap and help a single laggy turbo spool up faster. Several of these positive displacement blowers have been fed in the same way into compounds.

I am also planning to remotely place the turbo on the passenger side of the engine for ease of cold side plumbing. Right now it goes blower/intercooler/turbo. After the larger turbo it will be blower /turbo/ intercooler. It will also clean up the valley.

Yes a hybrid can easily make 500 but so can a BD code with nozzles as plenty 10 years back seemed to be making 500. Hopefully by late summer I should have most of the work done and can put it on the dyno at DDPs annual dump event.
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May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Mingo, Ohio
Yes a hybrid can easily make 500 but so can a BD code with nozzles as plenty 10 years back seemed to be making 500.

If we did everything like we did 10 years ago we would still be running Fuel7 tunes, installing inspection windows in engine blocks, and hoping we could break 600hp after we installed billet rods, girdles, and filled blocks.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
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The blower is not a restriction. Once the turbos suction overcomedoes push of the blower the turbo sucks the unrestricted owould open and pulls air from atmosphere thru a second filter. Once this happens there is lites no load on the blower. Eatctually has tested the TVS to state that it uses about 1/2 hp in a bypassed state. The blower itself is only helping part throttle low load situations. Once go to a larger turbo (planning on a 4xx frame turbo) then it may at that point be benificial to increase blower speed to fill the gap and help a single laggy turbo spool up faster. Several of these positive displacement blowers have been fed in the same way into compounds.

I am also planning to remotely place the turbo on the passenger side of the engine for ease of cold side plumbing. Right now it goes blower/intercooler/turbo. After the larger turbo it will be blower /turbo/ intercooler. It will also clean up the valley.

Yes a hybrid can easily make 500 but so can a BD code with nozzles as plenty 10 years back seemed to be making 500. Hopefully by late summer I should have most of the work done and can put it on the dyno at DDPs annual dump event.

You keep contradicting me and others with the sales pitch you bought. Were the blower not restrictive there would be no need for "get that stupid ***kin blower out of my way" bypass valves. Right? Exactly. If eaton said "our tvs blower needs a safety valve so a tiny stock turbo doesnt suck its guts out with tiny injectors" you probably wouldnt have thought it was a.great.idea. If you find driveability issues with a 90cc injector and a.stock charger you had better not.mod.


Active member
Jun 10, 2014
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Well it needed one. I figured it would. If the blower was spun fast enough maybe it wouldn't with stock injectors. The blower is only spun to 11,000 rpm currently which is around 900 cfm. If I geared the blower to match 19,000 rpm @ 3500 engine rpm. It would be flowing its maximum 1400-1500 cfm. So at all rpms the blower would be flowing way more air right? So before the bypass the turbo would make 15ish psi max and I never saw more because there was a vaccum. After the valve it now will do 23psi tops with the stock sticks. If it was spun that much faster there would likely always be pressure held on the turbo inlet. However this would be ineffecient and lead to reduced fuel economy due to parasitic loss. The way it works now there really is no loss. And yes bigger sticks regardless of rpm would create an issue IF there was no bypass.

Other than that does anyone know if the BI codes are still a oil thirsty injector once modded to single shot. I know the BD codes have the larger intensifier which would cause an issue as far as volume but the B code split shots have the smaller intensifier?
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May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Mingo, Ohio
Other than that does anyone know if the BI codes are still a oil thirsty injector once modded to single shot. I know the BD codes have the larger intensifier which would cause an issue as far as volume but the B code split shots have the smaller intensifier?

Oil consumption per cc of fuel delivered with all things being equal other than injection ratio:


Since you are so gung ho about modifying your own injectors - why not just build hybrids with the parts you have? If you feel confident that you can weld up split shot parts to be single shot parts (yes its been done, but it sucks and there is zero room for error) - then you have what you need to build hybrids except for the recommended tip.

BTW - for what you are looking for I would want a set of injectors that have went across a flow bench and were balanced properly - but you seem insistent on doing your own thing - so have at it.


In the Brig (Banned)
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah I'm not stranger to warping stuff. At least I will have 12 to mess with. I may buy a TIG I no longer work at a company that has a TIG at my disposal. I miss having a TIG welder building stuff just isn't the same anymore lol.

I've been repairing CNC presision cutting machines for 9 years now. I am no newborn to pulling stuff apart with small parts and puttings them back together. Besides if you don't try to learn with your own hands you never will. After looking at the exploded views of the internals they don't look that bad. Just need a nice clean area to work on them like rebuilding a cutting spindle.

It doesnt matter what your credentials read. Sounds like you are attempting this with a hack saw, dykes, tape , and pc7. Are you even going to have these handicapped, helmete wearing grenades put on a bench after your done kicking them across the shop floor???


Active member
Jun 10, 2014
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Probably not. I already talked to a few shops that can flow the heui injectors. They all want to disassemble the injectors to inspect for contamination before they put them on their machine and that puts quite the cost up there. I do plan to take my time and replace all the o rings and inspect for damage and worn out parts. I am in no hurry.


In the Brig (Banned)
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Probably not. I already talked to a few shops that can flow the heui injectors. They all want to disassemble the injectors to inspect for contamination before they put them on their machine and that puts quite the cost up there. I do plan to take my time and replace all the o rings and inspect for damage and worn out parts. I am in no hurry.

So after all your hard work, you wont even make sure they are woth a *** to use? Or are you afraid they will see where the tape and epoxy have been applied and steal your idea?

Lock this ***in abortion of a thread down. This is just some straight up idiotic chit right here.

You hit a special at harbor freight for some inspiration to go full retard on those soon to be paper weights?


Active member
Jan 14, 2012
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Seeing the other blower over turbo builds a couple years ago, I was going to be quiet and wait for the results ...but.. The OP just said that 8 random old injectors would be randomly DIY hand worked by a newb and NOT run across a flow bench? Are you getting ANY assistance from an injector shop? What are you using to torque the halves back together?

If we were in a post apocalyptic wasteland, hoarding fuel, and speaking Australian, Id get it.

Speaking of grenades, its the only game where 'being close enough' is ok. Injector building is not.

Regardless, have fun and carry on... :popcorn:


In the Brig (Banned)
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Seeing the other blower over turbo builds a couple years ago, I was going to be quiet and wait for the results ...but.. The OP just said that 8 random old injectors would be randomly DIY hand worked by a newb and NOT run across a flow bench? Are you getting ANY assistance from an injector shop? What are you using to torque the halves back together?

If we were in a post apocalyptic wasteland, hoarding fuel, and speaking Australian, Id get it.

Speaking of grenades, its the only game where 'being close enough' is ok. Injector building is not.

Regardless, have fun and carry on... :popcorn:

Harbor Freights (Elite Series torquing instruments)!!!!!!


New member
Jun 23, 2011
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I just see a complete lack of understanding by the op. Not of his ability or career. I just think he doesnt understand how and why to do things a certain way with a 7.3. As I said, he is in a safe zone now where there isnt enough fuel to cause anything tuning related. With tiny injectors there is no point, with larger ones there will be no benefits.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
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Past the city limits on my patch of dirt
I just see a complete lack of understanding by the op. Not of his ability or career. I just think he doesnt understand how and why to do things a certain way with a 7.3. As I said, he is in a safe zone now where there isnt enough fuel to cause anything tuning related. With tiny injectors there is no point, with larger ones there will be no benefits.

So much truth to this. I've sat back and watched this for a while now. I can't help but think the OP is going to realize all of this eventually and this thread will wither and die as he makes the decision to save face and quits posting updates about the less-than-stellar performance he achieves out of all of his superb research and planning. If only we could all be so far ahead of the game with these motors....

This told me what I needed to know about this 'build':
Majority of my driving daily is flat ground to work and around town and I rarely rev the 7.3 over 2-2200 ish which will likely be a happy plane for a roots blower hence why I am going with one. The other reason is to greatly minimize smoke. I don't need 500hp I am happy with 300. Not a race truck i want drivability.
This is an awful lot of work for a guy who is happy with 300 out of a 7.3, I just don't see the point. There's not even a cool factor of saying I did it differently at that point.

But then again, he also says:
I don't need 1200 ft lbs I am running the ZF5. With all the Talk about BD codes being worthless yet a few have put some big power down with BD codes? I don't pull or race so maybe the ZF5 will hold together considering I don't really tow and haul much and don't launch it. Torque kills but shock loading seems to tear stuff up quicker. I don't need a hypermax block lol. I doubt I will ever surpass 600 if that. ZF5 would not even hold the torque at that point.
Now he doesn't think he'll surpass 600, no chit sherlock you already said you're happy with 300.
Daily driven street truck. Gets me to work and doubles as the hunting rig/play truck. Many have ran the stock BDs and BIs as is without any major downside. In fact it was JDUB that stated he rather have a stock BD for a street truck over a hybrid. That may be how the truck was tuned I am not sure. I'm willing to give it a shot. I can also spin the blower faster latter to cure any smoke issues. It's currently only spinning 11,000 ish rpm with a red line of 19,000
Wait, I hope the "play" plans don't include sled pulling or drag racing on occasion.

This guy just seems like a cluster that doesn't really know what he wants and is taking the road less traveled to get there just to be difficult and say he could. There's no helping him.

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