Coxey Diesel
New member
not drag racing lol
Well you're kind of one of the only people that have built something like this so there isn't really a standard lol
not drag racing lol
yeah that was lances idea... somthig like this
Exit in from of the rear wheel... Less spot down the side compared to a in the fender one, and also don't have to worry about rear axle/exhaust clearance issues. Don't do the dump after the axle, looks like a d!ck hanging down...
my thought on it would be soot all down the side of my truck and wheel lol
I thought it didn't oral coal?
yeah that was lances idea... somthig like this
Sidepipes are SOOOO dumb and retarded. Soot on the paint, soot on the wheel and tire etc... Worse than having a little bit of soot on the bottom corner of the bed IMO
What do you guys think it would look like with no rear bumper? Look to unfinished? I would only be like that till I get a tube bumper made.
I like the idea of the pipe showing tho. Not sure yet. Somthing like that I will have to set on it for a while before I decide.
Lose the bumper and cut the rear quarter fenders at a 45 degree angle to the rear of the truck.....I've done it on numerous of my previous prerunners. Like this....
And you've got some fab skills man.....just grab some DOM and start bending $hit up
yeah thats what i planned on doing when i got the fiber glass bed sides.
I also want to fab somthing like this for the bed. but not the radiator or tire mount just the part behind the cab