So I changed the filter and there was about half of the old o-ring up in there, so I pulled it out and put the new filter in but I’m still having the following issues. My first issue is when I park at work my truck is on a slope (ass end lower) when I start my truck and put it in drive the transmission only engages instantly about half the time, the other half it acts like it’s in neutral, and then a few seconds go by and you can hear what I assume is the pump kicking on and the truck starts moving and drives fine. Another issue is when I come to a stop (typically only after highway driving) and then go to take off again, my truck act likes it down shifts right before I take off, but the mini maxx already says I’m in 1st. Another issue is my truck idles/ pushes through the brakes after sitting at a stop for a few seconds. And the last problem is if I’m trying to boost launch or if I have the trailer on and loaded and I’m trying to pull out of anywhere the truck barely moves and won’t build RPM’s, I can put it to the floor and the truck just creeps along and all at once takes off like a rocket. The transmission doesn’t get hot at all, it has a precision RDP Triple Disk Torque Converter in it, but I’m not sure what stall it is. Also I’m running gear heads tuning, I don’t know if it’s a TQ issue, tuning issue, a tranny issue, or something else? I asked gear head and they said this after relooking at my tunes, “everything is standard on the converter lockup in that file. It is a 2000rpm stall and not one of the ultra low 1100 stalls, I really think the one way clutch in the stator is broken. We have killed 2 precision industries converters in the last 5 years. Symptoms were the same (couldn’t light the turbo off the line, and it would push through the brakes at idle).” Can you guys help me out any? I called Warrens last week but Andy wasn’t available, I’m going to call again tomorrow or Friday. But until then have you guys ever seen or heard of anything like this?