I plan to up my VOP from mid 2000's to a B code VOP anyway. I have a sneaking suspicion that my idle haze might be in large part due to my extremely low VOP setting that was a carryover from an earlier time when fuel/time was my most important goal. Now that injector speed is a plenty, I'm interested in upping the VOP with a B code set and seeing my memory is accurate on what I found many years ago when doing so. Swapping P&B's is moot at that point. I don't need a gauge anyway.... it is dropping pressure. As many fuel pumps as I've had fall down on me, insufficient filter flow rates and the like when running higher power setups on my other truck I can tell, it's laying down in the fuel delivery up top. The light missing after a long pull is another clear indicator. Not enough that anyone in the truck riding would likely notice, but anyone in tune with a 7.3 would notice it right off. Little bit ragged due to a bit of air getting in the rails on a pull. This has been going on for at least a couple years now, so it's not a current event in any case. Just figured I'd toss out the fact that aside from all the other stock engine systems, the stock pump seems to be a bit overwhelmed by the 3/2's even when tuned for a PMR.
If time ever permits I'll dyno the thing. It's somewhere between 3 and 5, lol.