Well changed the sensor and same noise.
I found the Back Pressure and Desired Back Pressure in the SCT.
They both change depending on throttle position.
I disconnected the rod from the motor to the vanes.
Started the truck.
The motor moves trying to correct what I am doing to the vanes along with the back pressure changing on the SCT.
I have not got a clue. I went and drove the truck and seems to be better, but still not where it was. At least when the TC locks it doesnt fall on its face.
Anyone have any ideas?
The U-Tube between the turbos is fine.
I still dont see any leaks. (Dont see how this one is possible when the vanes are the reason for the sound).
Changed the back pressure sensor and the sound still there, drive-ability is better.
Did not change the tube, but it is clear and I verified with Brake Clean and air compressor.
This is annoying.
One good thing, the No Limit Intercooler is a very nice piece and looks great behind the grille.