Big Bore
Active member
The size vader mentioned is inducer side and the size you mentioned would be exducer. Most people use inducer number to size turbos.
That is what I suspected, thanks for clarifying.
The size vader mentioned is inducer side and the size you mentioned would be exducer. Most people use inducer number to size turbos.
Can you clarify inducer or exducer and what the differences and possible affects are? This is the part where I get a little lost. I'm planning a setup with 38r (88mm) primary with 1.15 drive side and a 102mm atmo with a 1.44 A/R drive side. I also noticed you have a very large wastegate, I was planning a 38mm in the 38r, is that potentially too small?
38mm wastegate will be too small. You will need a 44mm or a 46mm and at that maybe even 2 depending on housings.
The size vader mentioned is inducer side and the size you mentioned would be exducer. Most people use inducer number to size turbos.
38mm wastegate will be too small. You will need a 44mm or a 46mm and at that maybe even 2 depending on housings.
I agree. I believe that charles is having issues with his 44mm being to small now that he has stepped up to a gt55 as his atmosphere charger.
See pic as this changes from the compressor side to the turbine side. Compressor side uses inducer while turbine side uses exducer.
Im wondering how a gt4088/gt5533 setup would work. This obviously not going to be DD much but seem s like if the housings and wg's are setup right that it would be an awesome setup. Im not up on all the s-series turbos thats why i always use gt's.
Tycorr--i was always under the impression that if you could use all the exhaust possible to help spool the atmosphere that it wouldnt hurt too. I understand what you are saying, but no matter what, i think it would still be roughly the same pressure to gate the atmosphere with or without the primary routed into the intermediate pipe.
How big of a wg do most use on a bigger atmosphere turbo. Or would you go with two. And how does one setup a twin gate for one charger.
I do NOT think that WG is big enough!!! By the time you get to dumping boost off that hp charger the 38mm wont be enough. A 46mm would be best and leave much more room for tuning. The bigger gates are beefier to boot.
I would venture to guess that most people running compounds that want to tow are going to be looking for lower boost numbers when towing. You dont want 100psi hitting your manifold when you're pulling a trailer. That would be hard on drivetrain parts!!
Lets say you want 65lbs MAX for towing. That'd be about 20lbs at the atmosphere. Then you've got air charged to 34psi going into the 38r. So you are going to run that up that up to about the same boost figure and literally BLOW the rest of that boost out the tailpipe in one shape or form. Thats why Im having trouble wrapping my head around plumbing all the gates into the turbo piping, when we are already dumping quite a bit of our forced air off as excess pressure.
Maybe Im not seeing the point of having the gate opening constantly.
Back to the topic, I think you'll be sorry with a small, entry level WG. Id not go any smaller than the 44. A 46mm Tial would be the standard, imo.
Lets say you want 65lbs MAX for towing. That'd be about 20lbs at the atmosphere. Then you've got air charged to 34psi going into the 38r.
Yes, I was thinking an absolute max boost of 75psi under WOT for racing only, so my WG would indeed need to be sized for that. However 65lbs for towing seems like a lot, I wouldn't think I would ever need to be that hard into the throttle with the kind of power I'll be making, maybe I'm wrong. In any event, advice on WG size duly noted.
One thing above confused me a bit.
If the atmo is putting OUT 20psi, how will it be any different going IN to the 38R?
Ahhh, ok I figured I was missing something. I need to research atmo for my altitude here, but knowing what it would be at sea level is good also since there's always the possibility of towing there.20lbs outta the atmosphere is psig(the g being gauge). Atmospheric pressure is 14.2psi for us flatlanders
65lbs of boost IS excessive for towing...but hey thats what compounds are all about right? In all seriousness, that was just an example.
This brings us to another point that people need to consider! Charles tuned his own truck. He ran one tune, for everything. I would want that same level of dynamic control in a compounded truck. I would say a truck built like this isnt for someone who needs eight different tunes. If you find yourself not being able to use the throttle incrementally to tow and such it could be disastrous..
Yes 7.3. And thats what i ment to type, mind is crunching alot right now. I thought about a 38r/47 but wasnt sure on the 38r living long. But thats why im here asking.
So a 40/47 would be ideal. Now about housings. You want somewhat loose on the primary, and somewhat tight on the atmosphere. Maybe a 1.19 for the 4088r and a 1.08 in the 4708r
Ahhh, ok I figured I was missing something. I need to research atmo for my altitude here, but knowing what it would be at sea level is good also since there's always the possibility of towing there.
My current tuner tunes with that exact philosophy in mind. I currently use only the hot tune for DD because the lower portion of the throttle is very stockish and
Ahhh, ok I figured I was missing something. I need to research atmo for my altitude here, but knowing what it would be at sea level is good also since there's always the possibility of towing there.
11.8 ish
Ahhh, ok I figured I was missing something. I need to research atmo for my altitude here, but knowing what it would be at sea level is good also since there's always the possibility of towing there.
11.8 ish i bet maybe lower if your much above 6000 feets