Recently lost some weight. Prior to used Torque and ODBII Bluetooth. Everything worked fine reading PIDs. After the weight loss, I rerouted the EGT 4 plug (the furthest one aft) to the block off plate and a thermocouple from the ***. I am reading steady 32 on EGT1, 572 steady on EGT 2,3, & 4 (on all the reading remains the same with the truck running, or just the ignition on, no changes at all). I assume the steady reading on each indicates it is not reading anything. With the EGT4 plug in a thermocouple into the blockoff plate, why is it still at 572 steady? Did I need to use a different plug. 4 was the easiest to reroute. Hopefully I don't need to use the EGT1 plug. I figured I'd ask before I do any more re-routing.