That's what I mean a 6637 intake will be fine. I meant a hydra chip is the style of chip I would go with. And I would get a turbo back exhaust. There are plenty of good tuners out there. Gear head. Power hungry. Swamps is good too. It's all personal preference on who you want for tunes
I would attend to the downpipe first and foremost. They are an awful design from the factory. Most turbo back exhaust systems come with a 3" downpipe, so that is probably your best best to get more noise and less restriction.
I would also recommend an intake upgrade. The S&B kits are what I run and prefer.
I have the 6637, and while I don't have anything against it, the s&b would be better.
(I do have reason behind my opinion. Lol most of the generic 6637 style filters are garbage. So if you actually spend the extra money and get the good Donaldson filters, then it's okay. Or one step above and get that blue series 6637 from RiffRaff)