Price depends on what size you're going with... if you don't have cores to send, you pay the core charge and simply don't get it back. Looks like he has a $1000 core charge. Looks like he has a 6 month warranty on injectors built from yours and 1 year on injectors built from new. Holders offers 2 year warranty on injectors built from new now, I wonder if Jesse will offer the same, since Ford upped their warranty on parts to 2 years.
Says in bold numbers on Warrens sight that core is $1000, but then under core policy you see this:
Option 1
We build your injectors from your good used injectors, you get back the same injectors you send us.
Option 2
We build your injectors from a good used set of injectors that we supply. When ordering a 800$ core charge will be applied until we get your cores back.
Option 3
We build your injectors from new OEM ford injectors, this is a additional $1800 option. If you send us your core injectors before we ship there is no need to add the $1000 core charge.
Injector core charge will be refunded upon us receiving your injector cores. Cores must be in good repair no external damage such as burnt plugs ect...
So it looks like it's $800 core if built from injectors they have laying around (other cores). Or $1800 if built from new injectors. Sounds like there is an additional $1000 core on new injectors though?