This was on my personal truck, useless reading. Call bullydog and ask them if its basic OBDII or Model specific.
Duder I bought a DashDaq.... LOL
This was on my personal truck, useless reading. Call bullydog and ask them if its basic OBDII or Model specific.
This was on my personal truck, useless reading. Call bullydog and ask them if its basic OBDII or Model specific.
Duder I bought a DashDaq.... LOL
No problem, I thought you were asking for input on the bulldog watch dog only reading basic OBDII parameters.
Thanks for the feedback. I was asking about the Bully Dog originally. But after reading peoples comments decided on the DasDaq.
Got my DashDaq XL today! I couldn't get it to communicate with thetruck. So I called Drew Tecnologies. Turns out it's a Spartan! LOL
hell you made out pretty good!
Yeah, if I am following this correctly, you paid $375 for a DD with Spartan tunes...h#ll of a deal. So do you just have to buy the unlock codes.
Wow, you really lucked out with that deal.