New member
Here's a pic Squatchy just sent me
ok i had to have Erock here help me cause i hate taptalk and it hates me back so i cant load pics, and me and photobucket dont get along so posting pics on here is near impossible for me anymore. anyway now that we got the whole im a electronic idiot, lets move on to the real reason we are here. The zues led head lights.
so as i said one head light wasnt working correctly and isnt putting out the light power the other one is. as you can see in the pic there is more light on the passenger side than the driver side, the driver side is the light with some minor issues right now. im still digging into the issue and will hopefully resolve it by the end of the week even if that means calling these guys to get a new light sent to me.
keep in mind in the picture that these are the head lights only, no factory fogs were on, and none of my rigid lights were on durring this pic and they are on the low beams. if i can get the driver side issue resolved, these will be hands down better than any HID i have owned and are well worth the money.