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Haters gonna hate. Zaairman your ****s beat
He asked for opinions... if you don't like it, GTFO. My truck may be old, but a good buffing shines er up. A good buffing on that truck would make it look awesome.
Haters gonna hate. Zaairman your ****s beat
whats the lift and tire size?
I miss having a black truck... sometimes. But red isn't much better. :fustrate:
08+ rear bumper
05-07 front end
05 Harley headlights
Painted handles and mirrors
Bug guard delete
Billet emblems
What wheels are those? I like them! How wide?
Truck looks good.already Code. I would.try.painting the grey.plastic.on the front.before you.go straight for.the plain black 07 hd.front.end. Your Do.something.different than the standard "ptm harley front end". Its a great look, but with an avg of two people a month doing.a.conversion its.getting.boring. Do a black 04 harley.grill like Mink did on his.old.truck. Or.a.custom one with bolts on it. Anything thats slightly different.
Thanks Bub, kind of what i was thinking, or im going to get an xl bumper, and possibly fill the holes and run no vallance, not too sure yet... but ive ditched the headlights for a harley light with no ugly ass orange corners, lost the bug shield, and whips as i never have my cb on anymore and washed it up so zaairman would quit bitchin about it being swirled haha..
heres how she sits this week![]()
it should be going to the body shop as soon as he gets a little more open to get rockers done while its there im going to PTM the door handles and the mirror caps if i ever buy another one haha possibly an 04 harley grill
Whatever you do....keep the wheels chrome! They really set it off, and i dont care what anybody says blacked out is okd and played out. '04 harley grille, if youre doing ptm door habdles and mirrors you need to figure out something for the bedcaps and bumoer trim or their rough finish and platinum cokor are going to stand out like a sore thumb. Have a PROFESSIONAL do a 3 stage buff on it. I get mine done annually and my guy also goes over the truck with a small bottle of paint and touches up any nicks in the paint.