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They love to give tickets here for window tint, and I bought the nightshades stuff for the lights, but it doesn't spray well cold, but im thinking of the recon markers and led tailights
Recon for the markers for sure. Mine with niteshades made the light look red, which is not legal to have facing front on your vehicle.
For tails, I bought recon clones on eBay really cheap. They ended up looking the same, but the lense wasn't as dark as the recon. The inside face is identical from what I can see on pics of the recons. I ended up using niteshades on my tails but just a little so they're just dark red. It's a really clean/classy look in my opinion.
I also sprayed the tails when it was a little cold out, I think like 50ish. I found that it came out better if you play with the distance. I got about 4-5inches away and it came out great.