I'm going with the soak them down for days method since im waiting on a new turbo anyways. I went with the set of pipes that Dynoproven has for $300. cant say i have them on yet but they look great
So the bolts look like your old bed floor, Zach?
I used KROIL and it works!
Next question... For those of you who have done up pipes with the motor in the truck, how the hell did you tighten the passenger side rear bolt on the collector? I put my motor in without the pipes on for clearance, but can't get a good angle at that bolt.
Not sure what Kroil has to do with tightening bolts... but ok?
you're supposed to bolt to the manifolds with just a few threads on the bolt so that they are loose.. tighten collector to the turbo. tq turbo down then tighten manifold bolts...
live life full throttle
no prob bobThanks... that's what I was thinking but wasn't totally sure.