i gues i shoulda put "for now"
what, you getting a new programmer? LOL
i gues i shoulda put "for now"
Originally Posted by JLDickmon
Dude. You're a fu(ktard.
I look forward to a lifetime of NOT signing up at PSA because of cokgobblers like you..
I takes a lot to get me this pissed off, but congratulations, Assmunch. You managed to do it.
You couldn't just leave sh!t alone, could you? NNnnnnooooooo... you and your whineyassed bretheren of the Order of the Dipsh!ts had to carry on and on and on and on about:
First, the sale of this site
Second, how great it was at another
Third, how we were all un-cool for not immediately jumping ship and following.
So to you and your ilk, I say, "Smell ya later, homeslice. Good riddance. Buh-bye. Don't let the door hit ya in the ass. Here's a quarter, call someone that gives a damn. Thanks for your input, we'll take that under advisement. Thanks for taking part in the outplacement program. We appreciate the new direction you're taking."
What happened to this? Thought you didnt like us!!
Couple guys from over here assured me they felt the same way, and wouldn't tolerate that kind of nonsense either. Both extended me personal invitations to join.
Well, I can't stand passing up anything free, so here I is.
Refer to my new signature. :thumbup:
oh yeah.. The first thing I did was drop the individual in question in my 'Ignore' basket. Handy feature, that.