You guys do know that the manf of the PCS do make a paddle shifter assembly for the column? Not sure if anyone mentioned it in this thread or knew this. Its right int he drop down menu on the main page of the sight. Not cheap @ $500-$600 but damn nice.
They also make one with a screen that presents a number of sensor outputs:
The paddle shifter display allows the driver to view all of the items listed below.
Current Gear
Throttle Position
Vehicle Speed
Manifold Pressure
Coolant Temperature
Transmission Temperature
TCC Lockup %
Line Pressure %
Engine RPM / 10
Torque Converter Slip
Transmission Slip
Driveshaft RPM / 10
Turbine RPM / 10
Lever Position
I would add one even at the high cost in a heart beat if there was a clear cut way with our current steering wheel setup.
The issue is that its means for the 3 or 5 bolt not a center spline attachment of the wheel. The circuit board of the dual paddle is right in the center which prevents that kind of attachment. That is unless its possible to relocate it. I am not sure how the paddle mechanisms attach to the board. If its just wires then it seems like its somewhat easier to do but if there is hard attachments or a all in one piece it would be far more complex of a job. If we did not have to deal with airbag steering wheels or ones with aux control of cruise control radio etc